
really Wal-mart?!

10:59 PM

ok ok, I know Wal-mart isn't the classiest place in the world to buy your clothing...but common. Really, Wal-mart...are you really selling these sweaters in your stores? What year is it, 1986?

Yes, the 4 sweaters you see above are currently being sold at Wal-mart. At first I thought it was a joke, heck, maybe it is. But word to the wise, if you have a sweater that resembles any of the above and you did not buy it for the sole purpose of wearing it to an 80's themed "tacky Christmas sweater party", BURN IT!

If you have one and think that you could possibly make it look decent, go ahead...I dare ya.

Otherwise, do yourself and all those around you a favor and spend $5-$7 more, go to Old Navy and get one of the sweaters below. Understated, yet with some embellishment.

ps one of my many Liz Lemon moments...I got an invitation to a Christmas party 2 year ago, I can't remember what the invite said but I got the impression we were supposed to dress silly. So I went to the DI and found my husband and I 1980's Christmas sweaters. I'll never forget when the hostess opened the door, she was as cute and hip as a person could look. Fashionably dressed from head to toe. Then I noticed my other 3 friends were dressed the same, pretty and fashionable. We were the ONLY people out of about 50 that had on tacky Christmas sweaters, turtlenecks and pegged jeans. I think I even blew the sides of my hair out to look more tacky.

I remember I didn't even feel dumb, I just felt like "yep, this is my life. whatever" and mentally did the robot dance back out the door.

UPDATE: ok, so this last weekend (Dec. 3rd) we attended our ward Christmas party. I was talking to a beautiful and very put together older lady from our ward who had on a darling vest and matching turtleneck like the ones above and I thought she looked fabulous! So I guess I take back what I said and my personal opinion is if you were born before 1950 than go ahead! ;)

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  1. Oh I know! Old Navy has the cutest sweaters right now! I love them because they look like J Crew but for 1/4 the price. Great find!

  2. I know! They are so cute and so affordable! ;)

  3. The Old Navy sweaters look so good.

    At first I thought the sweaters from Wal-mart are for kids...actually the red one with Santa on it would really look good for a toddler:)

  4. I totally agree with you Ann, that would be darling for a toddler. Wal-mart has some really cute basics and I have been impressed as of late by some of their clothing lines. I think that is why I was so befuddled by the early 80's look here on these sweaters. :)
