
A brand new baby cousin/nephew

2:52 PM

My sister-in-law Ana had her second baby this past week. Now she is the amazingly happy and well adjusted mom of 2 boys...only 13 months apart. I would be a nervous wreck, but she has bounced back wonderfully.

Congrats to the proud parents, Phillip & Ana. Here is to a new family of 4 and a long break until the next one. (wink-wink)

Above is a pic of cute baby Jackson, and yes I think he smiled for me. ;)

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  1. I love the owl. He looks like a little elf all wrapped up. Tell Ana congrats for me.

  2. Holy crap! They are on the baby making train. Wish I was that type of woman.

  3. Yeah, me too. There is no way I could do it. :)
