
my trick-or-treaters

9:31 PM

Here are the kiddos for Halloween. I loved their costumes, I had a fleeting idea...very fleeting idea to make their costumes, but decided to buy them this year. Maybe next year or the year after. Or the year after that...ha!

Henry's costume is Max's from his first Halloween. Max wore this when he was 9 months old and he filled it out better than Henry does at 15 months!

Madeline was a Vampire, spider, zombie princess.

And Max was a Ninja, it was so cute. He was so into being a ninja. My favorite part was when his belly would poke out from under his shirt!

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  1. Love each of their costumes and I feel like every little boy should be a pumpkin at some point in their life. So cute, wish I could have been there!
