
the DEAL of the CENTURY!

10:59 PM

So if you know me, you know that I regularly peruse the isles of the DI looking for something amazing, a treasure someone never knew they had and gave away to the DI...then a worker at the DI thought it was "ordinary" and slapped $5 on it, to which I found it, bought it and lived with the satisfaction that I owned a treasure that I literally dug for.

WELL...it FINALLY happened!!!! As I was looking at piles of other people's somewhat stinky, stale and dusty junk I saw some rugs tossed in the corner.

But because I regularly look at and daydream of owning a really expensive Persian rug, I kinda know what nice rugs look like, even from the back. I saw this rug and thought right away it looked like it had the potential to be nice. So I took it off the shelf and rolled it out only to find, A. it was in MINT condition and B. there was another one right behind it. They were marked $5 a piece! I scooped them up, paid for them and RAN out the door before they realized what just happened.

Well these are Beluchi rugs. They are about 3 feet x 4 feet, made in Belgium!!! I looked them up online and for a rug similar to this would cost around $280...for just one of them!!! Now I have 2! I am elated and all my trips to the stinky dusty smelling DI have paid off and convinced me that no matter what, I will NEVER stop perusing the isles of the DI.

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  1. the century!!! that is a long time i am always looking at the D.I. to good job i love that place for finds

  2. Wow! Well, you know what I think of the pricers at DI- that's just awesome that it worked out in your favor this time. ;) Those are GORGEOUS rugs!

  3. I know! I had almost given up on the DI because their prices have gotten too high and then I found these rugs and it made all the trips worth it (the trips when I would leave swearing to myself that I was going to write a letter to the Desseret Industries telling them they are a rip off!)

  4. Brooke, these rugs are beautiful. The rug in our Living Room is made in Belgium. We've had it for over 25 years and it still looks beautiful. You can't go wrong with a Belgium made rug.

  5. Brooke, these rugs are so amazing, the designs are great, and they have such a soft texture, I think I will use them to make myself a pair of pants!

  6. ha ha ha STEVEN/husband ...I think that these would make amazing pants too, I'll get working on that!

  7. Oh what a lucky girl you are...

    your patience finally bore fruit:)
