
my green door

7:41 AM

Before: (above pic) Since we moved in I have wanted to paint our front door. The white door was fine and so was the screen front door, but let's face it, the screen drastically stifled my ability to change the look of the front of the house through paint color and hid my festive seasonal wreaths. Oh, and we never used it.

Phase 2: (above) For inspiration I drove around the neighborhood looking for the color door I liked. Our neighborhood is very diverse. Within a few blocks radius there are houses ranging from $175k to $700K. I found a gorgeous huge brick colonial home with black shutters, deep red brick and white trim like ours. They had a gorgeous green door and it looked amazing, so that is when I decided to paint our door green. I went to home depot and decided on a Martha Stewart Sea Grass Green color.
Well after painting it (above), putting my wreath up and looking at it for a few weeks as I'd drive by I decided I didn't like my door color at all. It was too limey green and not a rich green.
So I took the can of paint I had left over and mixed in a little blue, grey and off white from other paint I had around. I got the color in the pictures below. It looks much better and not so light.

Below is Phase 3:
more changes to come:

-white door trim
-changing the brass door handle to a distressed nickel long handle
-adding a coordinating kick plate
-adding a black hanging lantern instead of the flush one we have now

All these projects will have to wait until after Christmas, but for now I am pleased what we've done so far! And really that's all that matters when you do a project, you liking it.

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  1. I love it! Q and I argue over what color we are going to paint our front door when we finally get a house. I told that is so far in the future houses might not have doors!

  2. ok, that made me laugh...like when you watch an old movie and they have flying cars in the year 2010. ;)
