Front Door Chevron Burlap Wreath D.I.Y.
2:53 PMA friend of my daughter's has the most darling wreath on her front door. It is a large burlap wreath with a large piece of burlap fabric wrapped around it that attaches to the door.
I sat there looking at the wreath (for too long I'm sure, creepy) and then booked it to Hobby Lobby the next day to see how I could make something similar (on a dime). Well, my wreath looks nothing like hers but I love how it turned out.
I knew I wanted a large, thick wreath but couldn't find one. When this happens I stand there until I figure out a solution. And I did! Here is how:
1&2 buy 2 wreaths, one smaller than the other. I bought a 14" and an 18" hay wreath.
(I used Hobby Lobby's 40% off coupon for the larger one).
3&4 remove sticker but keep wrapper so it doesn't "shed", stack on top of each other and pin in place
5&6 buy the type of ribbon you like, these were 50% off cause Hobby Lobby was having a ribbon sale.
7 using sewing pins, pin the ribbon in place on the wreath and wrap. When you end, pin that in place as well.
8 take a coordinating ribbon and make a bow or tie on top to connect to the door. Attach with sewing pins. Voila! You have a wreath. Attach to your door any way you like. (because my door is old I just have a nail in it that I hang wreaths from). I've found that the 3M hooks work well too!
Grand Total - $17.00
*Chevron ribbon ~ $9.99 -50% = $5'ish
*Jumbo roll burlap ribbon ~ $9.99 -50% =$5'ish
*14" wreath ~ $3.99
*18" wreath ~ $4.99 -40% =$3'ish