YUMMY RECIPE! I'm sure you've heard me talk about my mom, the fabulous cook. I remember people talking about my mom's good cooking even as a child. I also remember being very unadventurous when it came to eating as a kid. My mom was always experimenting with new and fancy recipes and all I wanted was "yellow" mac&cheese" (Kraft brand). If my mom...
OK, it's about time I change my blog post so that my "soap box" moment isn't the latest post. Soap box moments are therapeutic and fun but let's be honest, what do I know!? The more I learn (through lots of trial and error) the less I know. The paradox of life. So back to more interesting things... like ??? lavender? Lavender has...
This week has been crazy! All I had time to do was post these photos I found via the internet using red and blue. My friend who recently bought a home has a very pretty pale grey'ish/blue color on her walls throughout the main floor. She asked what colors would go well with it and I instantly thought RED! As it happens she...
My friend Susan from Freshly Picked posted this quote on Instagram the other day. I love the simplicity and power of it, and I'm amazed I had never heard it before. Comparing ourselves to others is a futile and useless thing to do, there will always be someone prettier, smarter, wealthier, with better behaved more talented children, a doting husband, a perfect figure...
If I could have a dream hobby it would be taking a nice basic home and giving it custom accents to take it from nice and clean to charming and inviting. Have you ever driven by a home and because the outside looks so inviting, you want to sneak a peek inside? Well, if you haven't and you live near the SLC area,...
I have always, always, erred on the side of eclectic. I am like this in the way I dress and the way I decorate. I'm sure it stems from my past life when I used to peruse the Parisian flee markets and thrift stores with my parents searching for antique pieces of furniture to add to their collection. The idea of going to...
For Madeline's Birthday this year we had a High Tea Party (it was a "high tea" because it was at 5pm). I don't think that is the proper definition of a high tea but, we used it. And we're a bunch of Westerners, so what do we know? ;) The invites, I took our address off of course. My mom above helped the...
For the 4th-24th of July I just took off the burlap decorative tie and added this large piece of red burlap fabric and hung it over the door. Now the back side of my door looks strange, I don't know how to inconspicuously attach it to the door yet. Any ideas? The red ribbon/fabic comes in a large roll from Hobby Lobby and...
A friend of my daughter's has the most darling wreath on her front door. It is a large burlap wreath with a large piece of burlap fabric wrapped around it that attaches to the door. I sat there looking at the wreath (for too long I'm sure, creepy) and then booked it to Hobby Lobby the next day to see how I could...
I found the most beautifully written article in Southern Living about Motherhood. It encapsulates almost perfectly what I feel like as a mother. The Moments Motherhood is hard. It is hard in the ways that matter and in the ways that don’t. It can make you feel as powerful as the sea and as useless as a fleck of mud, sometimes in the...
I'm back? I don't know yet. When I began this blog I wanted it to be a place where I could get out all the fun design, sewing, painting, party planning etc. ideas I had out of my brain and put them somewhere. It was a much needed escape into a wonderful world where things were pretty and friends & family were aplenty....