
Sweet Home Alabama

1:53 PM

I have been gone a lot this month, between visiting my sis for a little over a week in Alabama to traveling to see family it has been busy.

While visiting my sister she drove me around her neighborhood and the other neighborhoods surrounding Birmingham, AL.... and I fell in LOVE. Below are just a few pics of one of my favorite neighborhoods called the English Village.

Could I move to Alabama tomorrow to live near my sis? Absolutely!

The cafe above is so reminiscent of a cafe in Paris (one of many that I ate at while a Sr. in HS in another life) that I just had to take a picture. Across the street were these amazing businesses and boutiques.

Above are just a few of the many gorgeous and grand homes located in Mountain Brooke and the English Village.

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  1. Love it. I love these areas too and would love to live around there! Or maybe you can live in these areas and I can come visit you!
