
Princess party, gift bags

5:46 PM

We had a princess party today and true to "Brooke-form" I went all out. We live on a busy street and our backyard is more of a side-yard so I felt like my over-indulgence was out there for the whole world to see. I know what people were thinking, "why in the world would you go to all that trouble for a 5 years old's b-day party?!".

My question back is, "why not!?" I may only have one daughter and I know the time will come when princesses and pink are not cool so why not have fun with it while I can? :)

For the party bags I used some pink paper bags (that were leftover from last year) and decided to fill them with handmade goodies. I used fabric scraps to make the cute hair clips above. For instruction on how-to make these hair clips go HERE.
I made the bracelets above with scrapbook ribbon and beads that I also had on hand. I just cut a piece of thin ribbon 8 inches long and strung 10 pretty beads on each one. They are meant to be tied onto the wrist and I love them.

Lastly I made these wands, well, kind of. I bought the wands at Wal-mart for $2 and just added some ribbon to them. They turned out to be every girls favorite part of the goody-bag!

More pictures to come, mostly for my Rozzie-pooh. Who I know would have loved to be here.

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  1. Brookie you are too cute! So creative. You will be my party planner when I have kids!
