
time out

9:18 AM
I am taking a break from blogging for a while. Hope to be back sooner than later.Cheers, Moi(had to post this pic, chocolate all over your face is a sign of a good New Years) ;)...to keep posted on the life of the Bartholomew clan you can go here . ...

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these never get old

3:47 PM
I never get tired of seeing how people take old chairs with good "bones" and reupholster them. Here are a couple of the most recent transformations found on Design Sponge. Below is a chair my husband's cousin's wife Melinda reupholstered. She did it all on her own with no classes or previous tutoring. I am seriously impressed! Looks great!before & after ...

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JFF (just-for-fun)

random, but clever

12:33 PM
My brother in law was tipped the other week in origami dollar bills. So cool, Max begged me to take a pictureMax made this little man out of the pieces. ...

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JFF (just-for-fun)

Happy Holidays!

8:41 PM
I think this will be my last post until after the Holidays. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! Much Love, The Bartholomews ...

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my cookies arrived!

9:48 PM
The cookies I won here at lovetheday arrived in the mail. They were delicious bite-sized cookies all beautifully decorated. They asked what cookies I would like and I told them to surprise me. Today we found a package on our back porch and inside were these darling shades of blue winter mitten cookies. Needless to say they are all gone and we loved...

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my mod-podge 3d Holiday wreath

11:52 PM
I made my mod-podge 3d wreath, finally! I got the idea from here. I began making one of these wreaths in Sept. of this year, but Fall passed too quickly and I never had a chance to finish it. So I decided to make one for Christmas!I loved the wreaths my friend Liz made over at say yes to hoboken and decided that...

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our very own sugar-cookie star tree!

10:00 AM
Last night we made our Christmas Trees out of star sugar cookies. I bought my star cookie cutters at Wal-mart. I got 4 for $3. Not bad. You can also buy some online here. You just frost and stack, so simple. I added a little round sugar cookie cut out in between each star to give it some height. (I used the top...

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sugar cookie star tree

10:30 AM
My mom came over yesterday to hang out with the kids while I ran some errands (which was such a life saver for me). When she walked in the door she came in with sugar cookie dough and various sizes of star cookie cutters.Madeline squealed with delight when my mom said they were going to make a star Christmas Tree. Below is a...

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totally inspired! I know my next project...

11:25 PM
A kitchen island/breakfast bar! I have been obsessing over adding a breakfast bar to our kitchen, we have the perfect spot for it. But I have been debating whether I want something that is a permanent fixture...or something that is movable? This idea intrigued me so I searched the world wide web for some ideas. Because there are SOOOO many clever people out...

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oops, baby Gerstner

6:00 PM
My apologies, in my previous post about little baby Jackson I wrote the wrong name. I wrote Jackson Bartholomew instead of Gerstner. I didn't even realize this until Steve pointed it out one evening.Oops, I think my mind automatically thinks an in-law has the last name Bartholomew on Steve's side of the family. This isn't the first time I have gotten maiden and...

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Clara's Cookies LLC...I won!!!

6:56 PM
Oh happy day! I won the Clara's Cookies giveaway hosted via love-the-day! These are pictures of the wonderfully perfect cookie designs sold here at Clara's Cookies LLC, on etsy.I have entered many a giveaway, but this is the first time I have won. I am so excited to share these cookies with my family and friends this holiday season...oh, and my husband just...

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indoor Christmas wreaths

8:27 PM
I love wreaths and I especially love them at Christmas time. I was inspired by the below pictures to hang a wreath in my house. So the above picture is my wreath in my Living Room. I love how natural this looks. This look can be found here at Country LivingI love the dark red and bold green found here at Atmosphere Interior...

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PINK, in memory of Julie Neff

11:23 PM
As long as I have known my husband Steve, I have heard many stories about a mission companion he had while serving in Brazil. He credits this companion for the success and joy he found on his mission.I know this companion as Elder Neff and frequently heard stories of their many adventures together. Well this evening my husband came home more somber than...

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Ann is ANTM! Yay!

8:51 PM
YAY! I am so excited!!!! Ann won America's Next Top Model cycle 15. I loved her from day 1. She is unique and beautiful from the inside out with a humble and quirky personality.I just watched the last episode and asked myself why aren't I in Italy too? Hmmm, maybe it has something to do with my stage in life right now...but oh,...

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