
paper flag banner D.I.Y.

3:20 PM

Incredibly easy to make, just takes some time. Get 4 different colored pieces of 12x12 craft paper, you can fit 3 flags on one sheet. My triangles are 6 inches wide, by 7 inches long.

(I had some that had patterns on both sides which was nice because it gave me more patterns to work with).

Next, take your ribbon and lay it out straight, don't cut it until you have layed out all of your triangles. Then hot glue each triangle to the ribbon and cut.

You can add any embellishments you would like, I tend to go more simple, so I just added buttons. The letters are from any craft store, these are from an alphabet sticker sheet.

Et voila!

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  1. Ok so you need to make these and sell them. I can't wait to see mine for Wendi's shower. Seriously these look so good and love the cool looking comments you see on the pics. Brookie I see a budding business for you and I am not kidding. Love you sis!

  2. Thanks Rozzie! Yes, we need to combine our styles and do a business with it, they totally compliment one another!
