
old chairs

8:20 AM
I love Design Sponge and I forgot how much I loved the before & after section until this last weekend when we had our friend Quintin and his family over for dessert. He wants to find an old Dutch style couch to reupholster, so we looked at some of design sponge's amazing before & after pictures.I especially love this before & after from...

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Fall is quickly approaching...

10:24 AM
...and I am sooo excited. I hate to admit it, but I think I like Halloween just as much if not more than Christmas.These first 2 pictures were taken about 3 years ago when Steve and I visited Rozzie in DC. Rozlynn and I have both lived in DC and instantly fell in love with Old Town in Alexandria, VA. We were visiting...

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homemade lavender sachets...

12:57 PM
My mom has been collecting vintage handkerchiefs from her local antique store for quite some time. About a month ago she had the idea of making sachets out of them and filling them with lavender.When I was visiting her about a week ago I stayed up after everyone had gone to bed and made these sachets filled with her English lavender buds. I...

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office/mud room make-over

1:27 PM
I did this about a month ago and finally am able to download the pictures onto our mac, cause it's back from the shop! Woo-hoo...anyhow, I know I should "stage" these shots better but I'm too busy right now with the new school year, a walking/crawling toddler etc. So here is the best I can do for now...I wish I had a before...

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first day of school!

11:15 AM
Here is our Max on the first day of 1st Grade! He was very excited and so am I. Toward the end of the Summer break I think he was getting really bored at home with me and the little kids all day.Max asked me if I could take Mimi to the pool today while he was at school so she wouldn't miss...

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my talented little sis...

9:16 PM
For those of you who don't know, my sister has a fabulous cooking blog called 'Rozlynn's Homemade Goodness'. She posts a new recipe each week and not just some recipe she found in a book, more often than not a recipe from our childhood or from places she has visited and lived. Like all families we have our good days..or years and our...

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it's a sad day for the barties...

2:06 PM
Our mac 27" computer is only 2 years old and it pooped out on us.  I am at my parents place again, it's the only place I can blog because we still don't have a computer.  We heard back from the Mac store and they couldn't save ONE thing from our hard drive.  Everything is gone...pictures, documents, movies etc. are all gone from...

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Cooking with Lavender

1:45 PM
It has been a while since I have updated my blog becasue our mac is in the shop/store getting it's hard drive fixed...I am currently using my hubbie's work labtop. As many of you know my mom (below) and her Lavender Farm were featured in the Desseret News last Tues. It is a wonderful article about cooking with lavender. Beware, if you are...

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8 year Anniversary

9:48 PM
Today August 2nd, Steve and I have been married for 8 years!!! Holy cow! Where has time gone? Steve had made reservations for 2 at Ruth Chris in SLC, which I had been looking forward to all day and he sent me beautiful flowers! Well, I'd love to say it was magical and enchanting....but it wasn't (no fault of Steve's). Here is how...

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2 years and I finally finished it...

9:34 AM
We went to Logan this weekend to help my mom with her booth at the Cache Valley Farmer's Market (she sold her lavender) and while we were up there I finally finished sewing her window curtains in their Master Bedroom. Here are some pictures of the finished product!My mom picked out the fabric for her windows and told me what she wanted to...

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