3 words: coconut fudge frosting

7:25 AM

At least that is what the frosting tasted like, coconut and fudge. mmm... today I had a couple of Max's friends over to play. When it was time to leave one of my friends from across the street, we'll call her "Darcie" came over to pick up one of the boys and at the same time dropped off these darling and delicious chocolate bunny cupcakes.

Not only are they darling but I pretty much had to arm wrestle them away from Max and Madeline. I won the wrestle, kind of...I ate three quarters of one. Yumm-yumm

p.s. I managed to save the last one for steve-o, he was very grateful.

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  1. I'm very proud of you for saving one for Steve. I always "mean" to save one for Josh, but it's just so hard...

  2. Ha! It took a lot of will power. ;)

  3. These are so cute. I wonder where she got the bunny face design from. We are excited to see you and your kids for Easter.

  4. Thanks Brooke For helping ME today with my Blog!! YOur the BEST!!! Love Ya!!! xoxoxo
