At least that is what the frosting tasted like, coconut and fudge. mmm... today I had a couple of Max's friends over to play. When it was time to leave one of my friends from across the street, we'll call her "Darcie" came over to pick up one of the boys and at the same time dropped off these darling and delicious chocolate...
Today was beautiful...this is all I wanted to do as well. Lay my head on a soft blanket in the warm sun and just zone for a bit. (I love Henry's curly-que hairdo) Today was beautiful...this is all I wanted to do as well. Lay my head on a soft blanket in the warm sun and just zone for a bit. (I love...
Our family went to Idaho this weekend to celebrate Kathy's (Steve's mom) birthday! It was a wonderful fun-filled weekend full of good food (I think I gained at least 5 pounds), good company and the joy of just being with family.We LOVE you Kathy and Happy Birthday!!! Luvs, SBMM&Hp.s. more pics to come on our family website, the above pictures are delicious desserts...
I am loving these bags from cotton candy boutique. You can choose the style and the fabric, she has a ton of fabric choices you can play with. All for $29-$39! ...
Here is a cool project from the graphics her stuff. And perfect for Easter if you are sending out cards.Go here for more instructions. ...
Look at me post again, I knew it, I am addicted. My husband may have to put me on an episode of "Intervention" to rid me of my daily drug. I really do neglect cleaning to blog, but who can blame me? I wonder if it's bad to blog on Sunday? I won't let my kids play on Sunday so maybe I shouldn't...
Here is the view above our bed in the Master bedroom. I just love it. I can't wait to watch all four seasons pass with the trees and the mountains. I am so excited for Spring!p.s. I hate that I want to write in my blog so much. I may have to quit for a bit so I can get other stuff
I am making Roman Shades for my sunroom. I initially went with a yellow floral pattern, because the fabric was free. ;) Gotta love free, my mom bought a bunch of fabric that she ended up passing on to me, so I thought I would put it in our yellow sunroom.But now I am leaning more towards green. I want a pretty green...
So here is my beef with 1976. Why wasn't I just born 5 or 6 years later? I could have kept in touch with so many friends. Friends who I tried so diligently to write, literally write, pen to paper once a week and visa versa. If only...if ONLY we had facebook, twitter, blog world etc... it would have been so much easier...
For girls night last week some awesome k-town gals and I went to this movie "Leap Year". The scenery was beautiful, set in Ireland during St. Patrick's day. Anyhow, if you are in the mood for a romantic comedy (kind of comedy) with not a whole lot of cheesiness, but very romantic in a sarcastic sorta way than this is your movie.It's probably...
Here is my buddy Max. He's my first baby and he has enriched my life so much. I know his strengths, I know his weaknesses. We have been together through thick and thin. I see daily how kind, caring and sensitive he is...and of course I see how stubborn and bossy and moody he can be as well.Well, the other day he came...
After hitting a HUGE wall the last two weeks I am ready to jump back into the game (I think it is more of a circus when you add kids) of life.I opened up the March issue of Better Homes & Gardens and the first page I opened to as I was running to wipe Mimi's oh-so-cute bum was a picture of Design...
...the ribbon barrette! So do these barrettes make anyone else growing up in the 80's nostalgic? I was looking for Summer clothes for Mimi on the Internet and found these at crazy8.I distinctly remember my babysitter, Kristin King and her friends (who I thought were so cool and pretty, I think they were 15 at the time) having their hair up in these...
1. I love the color of the 'after' dresser from second coat design, it has given me a little inspiration for my antique store dresser.2. These homemade cake stands are pure genius. It befuddles me that someone can be so darn creative and at the same time it makes so much sense you can't help but think, "why did I never think of...
...We brought home 3 babies to this apt. and after about 5 years I wondered if we’d ever be in a place of our own. It terrified me that our hard work would never pay off and get us on our own 2 feet. A day when we weren’t delivering rent checks to our old bishop who lived right next door, but putting...
My sister Rozlynn sent this to me today from the site"This would be great for an Easter Basket! To celebrate Barbie's birthday on March 9th, from today ‘til March 13th, she will be debuting once again as a SuperStar for one week only in stores for a special $3. These specially priced Barbie dolls are available at Fred Meyer, Target, ToysRUs in-store...
The other night when I spent forever on etsy looking at people's wonderful knit-creations, I also came across this shop called The Silver Dog that I am totally smitten with. Once I shed this darn baby weight I am celebrating by getting a necklace from here. They aren't too pricey and would add a touch of glamour to even a basic t-shirt. (I...
Okay, if I could purchase anything I want for my kids for Easter here are my picks:MIMI: So this is what I would get Mimi. I love the brown, robin egg blue and bubble gum pink! Perfect for Easter. This outfit is from Crazy8.HENRY & MAX: I love searsucker for Easter and I have always wanted to dress my boys in searsucker suits...
As I was browsing etsy for some cute ideas for St. Patty's day I came across soooo many amazing handmade items. Above are just a few. I think I sat for at least 45 minutes in the knitting section of etsy and decided I need to start knitting again.When I first married Steve in 2002 I asked his mom to teach me to...
So this weekend has pretty much been a bummer. Madeline, Henry and now ME has caught Max's cough (although it isn't a "croupy" cough) but it is still very annoying and keeps us all from sleeping.It is still cold outside, although the sun did shine a little. So you can imagine my joy when I looked at Graphic Fairy's blog and saw this...
So my blog has been a little too "bloggy" lately. So here is a dose of brooke weirdness (whether or not it really is weird, who knows?). because I've seen a lot of weird things in my life...example: the tall guy at Maverick with the wonky-eye who offered to buy my drink (Diet Coke) for me today.Here is a picture of a cheesy...
For you long time bloggers this will probably be old news, it is new news for me. My sister called me tonight and told me all about Nie Nie and her story. I had seen peoples little buttons on their blog that says, "I read Nie Nie" but I had no idea what that was about.Well, tonight I googled Nie Nie and read...
It is a sad day for me and especially for Henry. His feet are much too big for these stylish and very comfy baby moccasins. My friend Susan made them and they were awesome! When he was just little bitty, they fell off but once his foot grew into them they were a dream come true. Unfortunately, I never got a picture of...
*You can buy these headbands here!*A really talented friend/neighbor of mine, Andrea gave me one of these headbands she makes and sells at a local boutique. I am soooo in love with it. Here Madeline is wearing it (she insisted on the"pouty" pose), but I am the one who actually wears it most of the time.I wore it out on a date with...