A good friend of ours Quintin Cooke recently returned to Utah after graduating from the Art Institute of Seattle. His wife Jodie, their two daughters Addie & Emmie and he joined us for dinner tonight. We had BBQ steak and hot dogs (for the kiddos), we played games and the kids ran all over the house just as kids should.Quintin is quite talented...
I can't take it anymore...where are you sunshine!!!! I just looked at the weather for tomorrow. Overcast and rainy, the high for tomorrow is 45 degrees and the low is 32 degrees. :( I think I may just cry in my pillow tonight about this.Why world why?!?!?!? p.s. the cute cards above are from a silly "Monster Doodler" named Vozamer. My son would...
So you know what they say about 3 kids? Well, it's the gosh darned truth! As I blog surf/stalk or whatever you want to call it, I see these cute moms posting all their many wonderful internet finds and projects...the thing is they usually have one, maybe two kids. My projects are usually done at around 11:00pm after everyone is in bed and...
I grew up in a home where we never had matching furniture, most pieces had a story behind them and my mother's most treasured possessions were/are yard sale buys or things she dug out of the dumpster when we lived in Paris. My mom is probably one of the least ostentatious or "snobby" people I know. (below is a picture of one of...
I got this highchair when Max was born 6 years ago. I love it because it is sturdy, simple and doesn't have the cheesiness that many high chairs do with the ruffles and animal print. But it is definitely dated, so I thought why not reupholster it (in a sense)? I had this fabric handy, I wasn't going to use it for any...
Remember that little documentary my husband made in place of a Graduate Thesis? Well, it's back in the spotlight. It is a humble work, the film only cost about $10,000 but we funded it ourselves (I have no idea how). He went to school full time and recieved a $900 stipend each month and I worked for about $12 an hour full time...
For Valentine's Day Steve, Max and Madeline surprised me in bed with these 6 cupcakes made here at a local bakery, Sweet Cake Bake Shop. This bakery is about 4 blocks away from our house. So we moved from amazing chocolate to amazing cupcakes. This box contains 2 red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, 2 vanilla cupcakes with butter cream frosting and...
My sister Rozlynn who now lives in Alabama (boo-hoo) is one FABULOUS cook and much to my delight has started her very own cooking blog! It is called Rozlynn's Homemade Goodness. Above is just one of her many delectable delights and a Nelson family favorite, Bradford Sugar Cookies. Seriously, the best sugar cookie recipe ever! My sister Rozlynn who now lives in Alabama...
Here is my latest purchase at the Antique Store in Logan. We desperately needed a dresser and I have been searching for something like this for months. I don't know how I will refinish it yet, for now it just sits in our bedroom. The best part, it was only $45! Here is my latest purchase at the Antique Store in Logan. We...
We had the plumber come out today to clean our pipes because they have been backing up on us.......only to find that our pipes have big deep roots growing in them!!! Yep that is thousands of dollars worth of new pipes....pretty #$%! sweet. So five foot privacy fence that was going to close in our entire yard this Summer, peach trees, window boxes...
I am getting very excited for Spring and daydreaming about the things I am going to do with our yard and outside of our house. One of the things I would love to do (budget pending) is add these black flower boxes under our windows. These are vinyl (if you know me you know my feelings on vinyl in any form). If I...
I just returned from Max's V-day class party. It was so much fun, great job party organizer, MaryElla! The kids were saying it was the best party they had ever been too. ;) For Valentine's I found these awesome free printable v-day cards for boys from Simply Handmade. I just loved them so we printed them out, added a red heart lollipop et...
Thank you ABC prime time sitcom show Modern Family for making me laugh, cry and sometimes both at once. Honestly, this show is pure genius.The episode that made me realize how much I love it is when the mom (above) gets mad at her family because, when she brings her unmarried, sexy, successful friend by to show her what she is missing out...
Here are the V-day shirts I made. I love these pictures, they are far from perfect but can't you just see their personalities? I couldn't get Madeline to give me an un-goofy smile (this was her sweet smile face). Max kept matching my enthusiasm as I made a fool of myself dancing around to get Henry's attention (which I never really got, as...
Here are my chairs!!! Thank you mom! I just love them, they are so sturdy and this morning the kids had jellied doughnuts and chocolate milk on this table and guess what? It wiped clean, no hassle at all...I want to plant a big wet kiss on whoever invented shellac.It's coming together, slow and steady. (ignore the mess in the corner) :) ...
This evening as I was driving home from Costco in my messy mini-van (do I really own a mini-van...sad) with my 3 kids in tow I was following some kind of large SUV. I was in a daze and thought...what if my mini-van grew wings and I was able to pull my steering wheel back and it would take me up over this...
I made the kids V-day shirts out of some fun fabric I found and used the left-overs to make this Valentine garland that currently hangs in my sun room. I like it, don't quite love it...I wanted to add some more stuff like those fabric yoyo's, my mom bought me a little gadget to make them that works brilliantly or you can go...
So I did not take a before picture of this table. But trust me when I say it was ugly. My mom bought it for me from a local antique store for Christmas to put in our sun room, which we want to make into a breakfast nook. This table had about 3 layers of pealing white paint on it.So I put a...