
Christmas Eve gift

8:46 AM
This is a picture of one of four necklaces I made for my mom, sister and sister-in-law and gave to them on Christmas Eve. I made Christie one that is amber colored and gold, which I fell in love with but they only had one strand of the amber left and I thought it would look best with Christie's coloring (and it did!)...

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

10:49 AM
This is the picture we used for our cards this year, I think it shows their personalities pretty well. Happy Holidays! Much Love and Joy, Steve, Brooke, Max, Madeline& Henry ...

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11:01 PM
I love the necklaces from the Sundance catalog. I always make necklaces for gifts and forget how pretty simple can be....if I have time before the 24th, my mom, sister and sister-in-law will get something like this for Christmas. Time being the optimal word. I love the necklaces from the Sundance catalog. I always make necklaces for gifts and forget how pretty simple...

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What!? Christmas is almost here?

10:48 PM
Okay, I am having a little pre-Christmas panic attack. I feel like all I have been doing this last month is shopping, shopping and more shopping and I am still not done! I cannot believe that Christmas is 4 days away and I barely have a voice (from the croup I caught from Max) and I am going to the Dr. tomorrow to...

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a little ray o'sunshine!

7:17 PM
We've all been sick and tired of being sick, but these pictures brighten my day! I think he is so squishy, cuddly and kissable! ...

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taking Christmas pics...oh the drama...

10:24 PM
Just before we took pictures Madeline started crying because she wanted her blanckie to be in the picture. So Steve came out to save the day jumping around singing and dancing trying to get her to smile to no avail...until......he turned around dropped his pants and mooned them, yes, mooned them. They thought that it was the most shockingly funny thing they had...

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girls room

Mimi's room-dresser and curtains

10:12 PM
Here is a sneak peak at Mimi's room and an old $25 D.I. dresser we painted pale pink and put darling polka-dotted knobs on. Mimi added the bows to her curtain...decorating at such a young age. ;)paint color on dresser: "milady" Behre (homedepot)Pink knobs: Anthropologie (they sell this brand at Hobby Lobby...who knew? Hobby Lobby is the same price, but the difference is...

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the citrus tree in all its glory...do I hear angels singing???

12:50 AM
Here it is as promised...isn't it pretty? :) My sweet sister-in-law called me this evening to tell me how much she liked the tree and it made my day! Thank you!Here is a view of the tree in our sun room as you walk in the front door...the yellow wall really isn't that yellow, my camera is just difficult when I am not...

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A Citrus Christmas

11:34 PM
I have 2 trees in my house, one traditional with the reds and greens and this one, which I have been working on. It is in my sun room, which is also in the process of being painted. It is a citrus tree and was originally my mom's idea. She dried a ton of oranges and grapefruits and thought they were so pretty...

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go private?

11:52 PM
I've gotta do a little T.M.I. sometimes. That is what keeps things interesting...why pretend like all is marvelous when we know life throws it's little curve balls here and there? Thank you to those of you who emailed me, you're awesome!!!Now on to bigger an better things...like projects!!! Yipee! For now, I'm public! :) Until compelled to do otherwise. :) ...

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a before & after project of my own

12:42 AM
Finally, we have Internet! Woo-hoo! Now I can post pics of the house and the beginnings of my many DIY /before & after projects.There are so many in this house, from the 8 - yes - EIGHT!!! 1980's U-G-L-Y ceiling fans to the leaf print counter tops and stark white walls I will be busy for a long time (I am secretly so...

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bye-bye laptop

6:32 PM
My ancient mac laptop finally pooped out on me. :( So now all I have is my husbands laptop for a couple of hours. All my pics and stuff were on that computer, but hopefully we'll get a new one soon and I can transfer all that stuff over from our hard drive (I am hoping I don't loose any pictures!). Anyhow, the...

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okay, now you can laugh!...

11:19 AM
...not at Steve, but at how young and cute he looks. :) Yes, isn't he sexy in his letterman's jacket? ha! He was captain of his football team and was voted Allstate for football...something...I forget. But apparently he was a big deal in his little town of Jerome, Id.#59 BABY! ;) hee-hee (I found these on the same CD as our wedding pics.)...

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don't laugh...

8:02 PM
Here are our cheesy engagement photos. Oh my! Our photographer gave us some pretty rotten poses to do. I found this CD in a pile of old things I was going through as I pack.I used to rub his head for good luck. ;)What a cute little booty I once had...haaaaa...the days....Steve and I are laughing at how lame this pose was.And this...

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it's snowing!

9:50 AM
It is cold and snowy outside right now and this sweater looks divinely warm. It is a little pricey, $145. I am in love with it none-the-less! Ummm, talented sewing friend Susan, what'cha think about this? Are you getting any affordable inspirations? (wink-wink just teasing). ...

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perfect for playing

8:41 AM
I think these felt cookies are so cute and good enough to eat! They are $10 for six and they last longer, look cuter and don't add pounds like the real thing. I think Mimi would just love these cookies to add to her kitchen play. They are from gingerblossoms who also makes other felt play food like scrambled eggs. So clever. ...

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9:53 AM
Finally a shirt for little girls with older brothers! I think my daughter would go crazy for this shirt and she'd feel cool wearing it with her brother and his dinosaur shirts. I found this on etsy (of course) for $16. Soooo cute! They also have robot shirts for girls. Finally a shirt for little girls with older brothers! I think my daughter...

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smiley faces

8:29 PM
I took these pictures last weekend and can't get enough of them. I posted them on my husbands facebook page as well. I love Max and Henry's picture. So far Henry is quite happy go lucky. After he has slept and has been fed he is just all smiles. :) ...

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i love Costco!

9:20 AM
I loaded Henry into the car while my friend watched Max & Mimi the other day. I was on a hunt for boxes, I thought it would take forever driving from store to store picking up 5 boxes here and there. Well, I went to Costco first and asked them for boxes. The lady said she had a few, so I thought okay...

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good or bad idea?

6:28 PM
Yes, our 'older' home has some appliances to match. Now the fridge isn't as dated as the one above, but it's not lookin too new either. So I found this idea on design sponge. Can't decide if I like it or hate it...Steve hates it because his "handwriting is bad. " Ha! ...

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we found a house!

8:19 AM
Yippee! We just need to do an inspection, but it looked very clean so I am pretty sure all will check out! We had to go farther North to get a home with a decent amount of square footage and a big yard we liked within our humble price range. ;) I love it, the entire first floor has hardwood floors. It is...

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fun, fresh fabrics

11:37 AM
Here are some wonderful fabrics I found on a blog I frequent, portabello pixie. She is just amazing at what she creates.This is a line of fabrics she designed, I just love them! ...

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who knew?

12:24 AM
This is a random post, but I love this chair from Target....yes, Target! Who knew Target had such cute furniture? I didn't have any idea until I went to my friend Ingrid's house and saw the cutest chair in her living room and she said it was from Target. Ever since that day I go online occasionally to look at their new designs....

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so in love

12:20 AM
This is a thank you post.Thank you Caitlin for introducing me to this wonderful store, lotus bleu located in San Fransisco, which makes me think of my early years growing up there as well as my friend Liz who now lives there - (and who by the way is quite a stylish gal herself).I love this room, just love it...no adore it. I...

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Goodbye Home...

7:14 PM
Steve and I put in an offer on this home last week that was accepted! This would be great news...except that I did some investigating on the neighborhood and found that the house 2 doors down was a private residence that housed boys who were going through rehabilitation for sexual offences.......so needless to say we backed out of the offer this afternoon. :(...

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Land of Enchantment

11:43 AM
I bought these images yesterday on etsy at Land of Enchantment. I am in love with these wonderfully creepy Halloween tags...I am so excited! I bought these images yesterday on etsy at Land of Enchantment. I am in love with these wonderfully creepy Halloween tags...I am so excited! ...

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i love halloween

1:45 PM
Growing up I was never really a fan of Halloween, scary bloody costumes, horror films and lots and lots of candy (interspersed only occasionally with chocolate). I always thought it was a "boy" Holiday. It also meant that Summer was over and school/early morning seminary had begun. yuck to both. ;)But since I married Steve it has grown on me. I went from...

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