
Thursday, January 19, 2012

my 2 cents on curb appeal.....UPDATED!

This post has been a long time coming. It is an update to my previous post on my sisters home in Alabama that she is selling. I had some ideas to boost the curb appeal of her home. She took my 2 cents and did it! Best of ALL..... ....her house recently SOLD!
Above is a picture of her newly painted door, new planters, flowers and door mat. I think they look very elegant. And I love how the black and white trim with the pale yellow and brick compliment each other.
After seeing my earlier post about improving my sis's curb appeal my sister-in-law Christie asked me to do the same for the front of the house they live in. My brother is currently waiting to go to Medical school so they are renting a home in the SLC area. Their land lord was adamant that they could only paint the trim on their house brown.....brown?

So I drew up a picture (below) of what their house would look like with black shutters and white trim, they showed it to their land lord and it was enough for him to let them add shutters and paint!
I think it looks so much more clean and less from the 70's. I am a firm believer that color palettes and design ideas can get dated. No matter how great it looked 30 years ago, it most likely needs to be tweaked a little today. (I am not referring in any way to uber 'trendy' designs, that are fleeting, just the occasional tweak or change of color).

I have made a goal to always be open to ways of decorating, painting and dressing to stay in the 'now' a classic subdued way.

(the picture above was what I designed for the front of the house. In an ideal world I added curbing, flowers, bushes & grasses and contemporary planters. One victory at a time.)


  1. We really appreciated your help! Looks so much better.

  2. Had no clue you posted these pics. Thanks to your advice, a fresh coat of paint gave my house a fresh look, which in turn helped it sell. Thanks sista!

  3. Your houses both look great! I was happy to help, sometimes I wonder what i like more interior or exterior decorating? :)
