
Thursday, September 22, 2011

I'm back!

I have been very absent due to the following reasons:

-new calling, much more time consuming than I have had in a lonnnng time.

-kids started school, which I thought would buy me more time. Nope, b/c I have one in Kindergarten I am running around much more than intended.

-dance class, piano lessons and sports are in full swing.

-my 2 year old is making more messes...and can anyone explain to me why he chooses to play with q-tips, chips, and any other messy substance instead of playing with the plethora of toys he has? Is he trying to drive me crazy? Does he get up in the morning and ask himself, "what tiny tedious mess can I make that will ruin mom's morning?" ;)

-also, I update 2 websites weekly...thus this blog has been neglected for far too long.

But in my absence I have found some cool stuff and here are just a few of them, the first is brilliant for those of you with fine hair. It is a sock bun tutorial from Say Yes to Hoboken.

YUMMY recipe for Missippi Mud Brownies from Rozlynn's Homemade Goodness:

Love these diy paper lanterns: Very simple and do-able. Thanks Martha! For instructions go HERE.

Making lavender wands for my mom's booth The Lavender Apple at the SLC Farmer's Market. They are very time consuming but pretty. If you ever happen upon a bundle of fresh (cut that day) lavender here is a wonderful tutorial on how to make these wands from SEW HOMEGROWN.

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