
Thursday, September 23, 2010

a project i just finished...

I know I have been absent the last couple of days. I actually have been working on a project for my sis. She has a blossoming cooking blog and was on the verge of paying a bunch of money for a basic and not-so-great logo from an online store/site. I of course stepped in and thought, "I can do that!!" and for FREE! So I deigned her logo (above) and blog. :)

So go here to see my sis's cooking blog. I'm sure it will change and evolve, but for now we have the basic idea down. It has the Southern charm, whimsy and femininity she was looking for.

*ps Dear ubber talented Que, if you can add to this or tweak it to make it even better looking we are totally up for that!*


  1. Wow. Looks amazing! I'm impressed. You could have a side profession in your future. :)

  2. I agree. Brooke, once again thank you for the shout out and I love love love my new blog. You are very talented sister!

  3. I was going to ask who designs the Nelson blogs... They are SO pretty! I love this and I love Roz's new look.
