
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

wall painting cont'd... Jane's tree

Okay I am dying here, my friend and neighbor, MaryElla's sister painted her daughters room and here is the before and after! Oh my goodness. To see more of Jane's whimsical room go here.
Love the owl. Too cute. I am more than convinced, I am painting a tree on our playroom wall.


  1. You have totally got to do this! Its so cute! When is Quentin coming over to do his project with you guys? I'll come over too.

  2. I'm so glad you liked it! I can't wait to see what you pick for Mimi's room! Keep us updated on your ideas. :)

  3. Yes, volunteers are welcome! ;) I don't think Steve has called Q back, I'll do it today.

  4. I love the owl. These are my favorite for sure.
