
Friday, February 19, 2010

wow, going broke is beginning to pay off!

Remember that little documentary my husband made in place of a Graduate Thesis? Well, it's back in the spotlight. It is a humble work, the film only cost about $10,000 but we funded it ourselves (I have no idea how). He went to school full time and recieved a $900 stipend each month and I worked for about $12 an hour full time while we juggled our new baby Max who was a surprise (yes, I cried when I found out). I thought it couldn't have been worse timing.

It set us back more than a few years financially and when it was all said and done, honestly...I was a little bitter. Two years of busting our butts and going broke only to have people pat you on the back and say, "good job".

BUT! :) Since the film has been made it has shown in 3 film festivals in Salt Lake City, New Orleans and Brazil. This month Steve was featured in the Desseret News Entertainment Section. Go here to read the article. His Film will once again be shown, this time at "Utah's African History: Storytelling Through Art and Craft," a month-long event held at the Utah Cultural Celebration Center.

So my bitterness to this film is diminishing rapidly, I can now appreciate the hard work and years of struggle. Congratulations Honey! You will never ever let us down as long as you follow your dreams!

If you would like a copy of this film you can go here to get one!


  1. I love Jeff Vice! I want to hear about Steve's interview for this. That is so cool! I never really heard the back story on why this was made before.

  2. I am so proud of Steve. I put a post on my blog about it too. So proud.

  3. I feel you on the 'sacrifice for your man's dream' thing. I definitely have my supportive and less-than-supportive moments. :) I bet it feels good to see the finished product! We are really looking forward to Wednesday!

  4. Mee too!! I am going to put Henry in a little Brazilian outfit Steve brought back from Brazil, so excited! :)
