
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Chubby Pumpkin

This was Max's first Halloween and he was 9 months old. I'll never forget how adorable and jolly he looked in this costume. Don't tell my husband, but I am getting baby hungry again! But with Max and Maddie's energy I can hold off a little longer. :)


  1. i want to sprinkle cinnamon on him and eat him for breakfast

  2. Hey Brooke!
    Thanks for the nice comment on my header! I actaully made it with the scrapbooking stuff I have on my computer. I can either show you how I did it, and yes that means we have to get together!!!!! or, I can make one for you and email it to you. - Jenny

  3. I know! Seriously is there anything better than chubby babies? :)
