
lace, beads and Peter Pan

10:19 PM
I was in Marshall's the other day and saw a deep grey t-shirt with a silver beaded peter-pan collar and thought it was darling. Ever since then I have fallen in love with these shirts and t-shirts. I have seen the collars made with beads, glitter, cloth and lace. So fun. I love every shirt above, I especially love the striped shirts and...

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Sweet Home Alabama...

12:04 PM
I went to visit my sis and brother-in-law 2 months ago at their new home in a suburb of Birmingham, AL. It was so fun, beautiful and relaxing. A true vacation. Thank you for being such great hosts! As we drove to her home I couldn't believe the beauty in just the drive! On either side of the road were beautiful green trees...

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thrift store finds

lady sunbeam...

1:11 PM
My latest find at the thrift store this week are these vintage Lady Sunbeam hot rollers. :) Sooooo excited to try these out. Vintage hair styles here we (Mimi and I) come!The plastic box is a robin egg blue and I just love the flower decoration on top of the curler with the little red dot that turns dark red from bright red...

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Gerstner Family...

8:29 AM
This is a longgg time coming, but last Fall I took some pics of my brother & sister-in-law and their darling family. I think they turned out pretty cute, but if you're working with cute kids, cute couple and a stunning background (my mother-in-law's yard) you can't really go wrong, right? ;) I am not a professional, and I even left my good...

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