I was in Marshall's the other day and saw a deep grey t-shirt with a silver beaded peter-pan collar and thought it was darling. Ever since then I have fallen in love with these shirts and t-shirts. I have seen the collars made with beads, glitter, cloth and lace. So fun. I love every shirt above, I especially love the striped shirts and...
I went to visit my sis and brother-in-law 2 months ago at their new home in a suburb of Birmingham, AL. It was so fun, beautiful and relaxing. A true vacation. Thank you for being such great hosts! As we drove to her home I couldn't believe the beauty in just the drive! On either side of the road were beautiful green trees...
My latest find at the thrift store this week are these vintage Lady Sunbeam hot rollers. :) Sooooo excited to try these out. Vintage hair styles here we (Mimi and I) come!The plastic box is a robin egg blue and I just love the flower decoration on top of the curler with the little red dot that turns dark red from bright red...
This is a longgg time coming, but last Fall I took some pics of my brother & sister-in-law and their darling family. I think they turned out pretty cute, but if you're working with cute kids, cute couple and a stunning background (my mother-in-law's yard) you can't really go wrong, right? ;) I am not a professional, and I even left my good...