This kid cracks me up! He's his own 1 man show! I just had to share some funny pictures of him... it all began with a mustache.... H A P P Y- M O N D A Y ! ...
My hubbie and I started a little soap company called the Flying Rabbit Soap Company!Last weekend we sold handmade goat's milk soap at the Farmers Market at Crossroads Point. Steve's mom, who I compare to the energizer bunny, because she can go and go and go started the Farmers Market this year in Idaho. The first Saturday was awesome considering the market was...
It's Mimi's birthday! For her birthday we took her to Build a Bear in lieu of a party where she picked out any bear she wanted and dressed it in whatever she wanted. Needless to say her bear walked out of there with every accessory possible (it was really cute). ;) Mimi was sweet and said that instead of any presents she wanted...