
Easter pics

10:34 AM
We didn't do anything too fancy for Easter pics, but we did take them right after church in my parent's backyard. It was a fun Easter, although I think Max is catching onto the whole "Easter Bunny" thing. :( Not yet!I decided the rock garden area in my parent's backyard is ideal for photos!Happy Easter 2012. ...

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my mom's favorite 4 letter word...SALE!

4:02 PM
During Christmas, Easter, birthdays or any other occasion where gifts are expected to be purchased we often tease my mom about buying our gifts in the %60-%80 clearance isles at TJ Maxx. Whether it's a stuffed frog for Quentin or life size Christmas Elf for Cavet, you can bet she got it at a steal of a deal. And when you ask why...

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Easter Eve at grandmas

3:20 PM
Henry made the yummy bunny above (he also made those 2 finger marks in the frosting). ;)My mom made a dozen half circled mini lemon poppyseed cakes. We added colored frosting, paper ears and jelly beans for eyes and a nose, et voila...it's a bunny!Mimi made the one above, of course, it's pink. ;) Madeline and Henry in Grandma's kitchen, loving every moment!...

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