I have made this recipe 3 times since my sister from Rozlynn's Homemade Goodness made it while visiting a couple of weeks ago. The first 2 times were at the request of Steve and the 3rd time was for Memorial Day. So if you want to make the most divine, rich and moist chocolate cake ever then here is the recipe for you.Chocolate...
We are getting ready for our annual Memorial Day Nelson reunion. My parents host this event because my dad bought the family property about 4 years ago and built a home on it. Above is my parents huge English Mastiff, and I swear he gets bigger every time I see him. From the back he looks like a mountain lion. But you couldn't...
(these are some fresh Lilacs I picked from our yard, they smell amazing)
Ever have a day, week or month where you feel like you're about to implode? Well I do. More often than I will ever admit. But I figure this is what reminds me that I am a real person. As much as I would love to be blissfully unaware of all my life's imperfections, I'm not. I am all too aware of all things I don't do, all the things I don't or can't have and how the older I get and the more kids I have the more naps I want to take during the day.
On these not-so-great days of mine, my husband often reminds me of a well known quote by Theodore Roosevelt....
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
- Theodore Roosevelt
He says to me on these not-so-great days, "babe, we're in the arena right now".
So here's to all of you out there who are in the arena right now, may we all come out of this victorious!
My last post was about the A-mazingly delicious chocolate chip lavender cookies that my sister made and sold at the Farmers Market. My sister just posted her recipe on her cooking blog, so go HERE to make them! If you would like to purchase a small bag of cooking lavender contact me at bartholomew.brooke@gmail.com and I can get you some from my mom's...
While in Logan visiting my sister who was in town from AL, my family participated in the Logan farmers market.My mom sold her lavender products and my sister made some lavender chocolate chip cookies to sell. They were delicious. My sister told Max that if he sold some cookies for her she would pay him a small commission.Max will jump at any opportunity...
For Mother's Day I got my mom a bouquet from Elsabette Design. It was beautiful! Maren did such a great job at creating a beautiful arrangement for an amazing price, thank you! For more on Maren's Mother's Day Bouquet go here.Happy Mother's Day to all you fabulous mother's who probably don't feel so fabulous...if your like me you tend to focus on all...
I have come to the conclusion that when you (meaning me) are a stay at home mom you tend to think that you don't accomplish much during the day except doing damage control within the walls of your home (which for me feels like they are closing in around me some days). So I decided to look at what I've been able to...
My friend Maren over at Elsabette Design is having a Mother's Day bouquet giveaway. Below are some examples of her exquisite work as well as a sketch of her ideas for this bouquet. Maren is so talented when it comes to floral arrangements and I am excited to see what she creates. For more pictures of what she has created in the past...