Valentine's Day

uber talented friends

12:07 PM
Two friends of mine who just happen to live across the street made the cutest homemade valentines.The robot valentine above was made by my friend Mary Ella. She drew the robot, took a picture of it and then uploaded it into photoshop where she colored it in and added the letters and numbers. Genius! Above are these darling mustache (love mustaches) and lip...

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Valentine's Day

valentine's is here!

7:03 AM
the best part of Valentine's Day are the sweet delicious treats. Below are pictures of the cupcakes we made....We made lots and lots of cupcakes this weekend. Wish I could say we gave them away, but we just ate them. ;) We did set aside some for Max's teachers. Hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day!xoxo, The Barties ...

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Valentine's Day

v-DAY d.i.y. wreaths...just a few i found

10:51 AM
fabric wreath, via: MY GREENBRAE COTTAGEpaper rose wreath, via: I'M A YARNERold t-shirt wreath, SCOUTIE GIRL yarn wreath via: TAKE HEARTyarn wreath via: TAKE HEARTfabric rose wreath via: SMASHED PEAS AND CARROTS ...

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Free Printables

v-day freebies part 2

8:31 AM
I found some more free printables yesterday. Max and I were on the computer trying to find some "boy" valentines, he liked the robots but the pirates are still his favorite. the black applemy personal favekaden's cornerthe long threadmaquetteckligore on flickrbunny cakestip: I didn't know this so maybe you didn't either. But did you know that Costco will refill your ink cartridges for...

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Free Printables

v-day freebies

9:02 AM
So I am not officially back into the blog game, but I am on the search for some fun free printables for Valentine's Day. I love making them with Max for his class. Here are some I've found that I really like:rubber punkina fanciful twistgivers logthe project girlThese are the valentines I printed off last year. Max really liked the pirate ones. :)...

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