
Christmas wreath ideas

8:19 AM
This is late but I had to do a Christmas wreath post! There is such a wide range of styles and colors of wreaths that I love. The frame wreath below is darling. Some people are so creative and I am sooo grateful!My colors this year were red & blue. So I especially love the pops of red and blue above. My blue...

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somethings wrong with my blog...

12:10 PM
...and for some reason none of my lists show up on the sides....looks like it's time to change things up and maybe get this blog going again. ...and for some reason none of my lists show up on the sides....looks like it's time to change things up and maybe get this blog going again. ...

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Elsabette Design: Permament Arrangements

11:48 PM
Elsabette Design: Permament Arrangements: I was going to open a shared retail space, but after lots of consideration and advice I decided I had to forego that opportunity at this ti... ...

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where we've been

12:45 PM
Yes, I have been absent from my dear blog for far too long. Things have been crazy for us this last month or so.We have gone on a couple of short vacations, organized a FABULOUS sponsor dinner for the Farmers Market, had Rozlynn and Thad visit and sadly, had a pretty bad car accident that left us without our good and trusty mini-van...

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fabric roman shades

3:32 PM
I just bought the last of my fabric for my roman shades in the sunroom. I am so excited! I made roman shades for my mom's house a couple of years ago and am finally getting ready to make my own. I haven't even cut the fabric yet, but am already excited!I love the clean look above of a white, blue and marble...

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curb appeal

my 2 cents on curb appeal

7:20 AM
My sis is selling her house in AL and looking at b-e-a-u-t-i-f-l-u-l homes to move into near Birmingham. Good thing I am not the type to get jealous of my sibling's successes, cause I'd be very jealous. ;) Her and her husband are in the process of selling their home (pictured below) and because she lives in the best school district in her...

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birthday party

I'm back!

3:08 PM
I have been very absent due to the following reasons:-new calling, much more time consuming than I have had in a lonnnng time.-kids started school, which I thought would buy me more time. Nope, b/c I have one in Kindergarten I am running around much more than intended.-dance class, piano lessons and sports are in full swing.-my 2 year old is making more...

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Lavender basket

6:01 PM
So my dad gave us his old laptop, awesome right! Well, the only draw back is that it needs a new hard drive and since school has begun I have not had any time to spare to run and get one. So I have been seriously neglecting my blog. :( I miss blogging. This year once again my mom donated her fabulous lavender...

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Fabric closet doors

9:36 AM
If you've been in my home you'll know that one of my pet-peeves is the 10, yes, TEN full length glass sliding closet doors in the bedrooms. I am thinking of putting up fabric closet doors in the kid rooms and after looking at some of these photos I am in love with the idea! ...

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less isn't always more...

10:41 PM
I am and always have been a firm believer that when it comes to swim wear less is not always more. Putting it all out there all the time is boring, irregardless of how fab you look. When I was at the pool with the kids, the classiest most attractive women were in tankinis or one pieces. Now I am not, by any...

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curb appeal

...a girl can dream...

11:48 AM
Steve and I really want a pergola in our backyard one day along with a fence and many other things. Here are some beautiful outdoor pergolas. And as I titled this, 'a girl can dream'...with an emphasis on "dream". ;) ...

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JFF (just-for-fun)

Quotes from my lesson today

3:45 PM
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because...

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JFF (just-for-fun)

Traditional anniversary gifts 1-30

1:28 PM
So Steve and I just had our eighth anniversary and I didn't know what to get him. I know a couple who gives each other the traditional anniversary gifts. I wondered what year "9" was..........ps Steve just read this post and informed me it was our 9th Anniversary! OOPS.........Below is a list of Traditional Anniversary gifts: ($= under $50, $$= under $150, $$$=...

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