Here are some pictures taken of the 3 houses we went trick-or-treating at in our neighborhood before it rained so hard we were forced to turn in early. Despite the rain it was quite picturesque, when the sun was setting it gave a gorgeous golden glow on the tree lined streets. This particular neighborhood is in the historic district of Kaysville. The house...
Yesterday and today my dear husband has been on a business trip in Atlanta. And these pictures are of the Hotel he stayed at....HELLO!!! So while he was soaking in his Jacuzzi tub watching TV on the bathroom mirror, yeah, you read that right. His bathroom mirror was also a huge flat screen TV! I was at home cleaning the kitchen and washing...
I found this fun quiz via how about orange? via REAL SIMPLE. Go here and take the quiz and find out what color you are. :) I took it and I am an Earth Personality, which means I am loyal, honest, steadfast yet also self-conscious, reserved and stand-offish. I don't know if those things are completely true but there are definitely elements of...
This last weekend we went to my cute nephew's 1st birthday party. He was lucky enough to be born in Oct. and so it was a Halloween themed party. My brother-in-law works in a restaurant and brought home a bunch of empty wine bottles, which were washed and filled with differnet colored fruit punch. My mother-in-law then bought these fun Martha Stewart Halloween...
I found a bunch of really neat Halloween DIY projects here at do it yourself and even though Halloween is coming to an end, you can always recycle Halloween projects/ideas for the coming years. These gourds and wasp nest are pretty creepy. But i included this picture because I LOVE the door.Last but not least I had to include a Halloween wreath!!! The...
Here are the many faces of Henry's happy face. He is such a happy little guy. Sometimes I don't even know why he starts laughing but I love it!So from Henry to me to you, HAPPY FRIDAY! ...
I have a dream kitchen in my head. I have had a dream kitchen in my head ever since the age of 20 when I watched my parent's create their own dream kitchen while building their house in PC (that was 3 houses ago). Theirs had cherry wood custom cabinets, red and grey granite counters, slate floors, Wolfe appliances and a huge pantry.The...
Shoes 1 + 2. A little platform'y but hey, a 5'2" girl needs a little lift from time to time. Especially with a 6'2" hubbie. Shoe number 2 is more Spring'ish than Fall, but still gorgeous!Shoe 3. have to look at this link (below). The girl is wearing these shoes with her wedding dress.Shoes 4 + 5. Love them and I am...
I love this wreath from delia creates via eighteen25 .remember this wreath...???well, I got all the ribbon on and have searched every store within a 20 mile radius for round wood cut-outs, to no avail. I have gone to 2 Hobby Lobby's and neither store had these cut outs. So if anyone sees them anywhere please let me know! ...
Since the first Harry Potter movie my husband (who is a big-time foodie) has wished that butter beer existed. He loves finding places that brew root beer and so butter beer would be the perfect Fall version of that for him.Well, tonight my husband's dream came true. We found a recipe for butter beer online and made it! It is delicious. A mix...
This is the ivy "forest" in our front yard. I was shocked the first time I noticed that the ivy was changing color. ? I am still befuddled by it. Growing up in the Bay Area California we didn't really experience Fall like you do here in Utah. Where I grew up, there was mostly evergreens so even though I have been here...
These are free printables for cupcake toppers. Just go here to No Fuss Fabulous to download them.Also for a list of Pumpkin Patches, hayrides and corn-mazes go here. Scroll down the page, they list activities by county. Our house is freezing! We can't seem to light our boiler and so every morning I have to give myself a pep talk to get out...
I love decorating for Halloween...and I love the black and white with a pop of orange or purple for color. I have been decorating our house, inside and out as I find the time this last week or two.These pictures I found online at Good Housekeeping and they make me happy to look at. I have made bread pudding twice this week and...
This is a song about the "Angel Flight". From what I understand this is the flight when a fallen brother's body of the Military is returned to his home for their funeral. 10 hours ago Thad said that Mark's Angel Flight is en-route... ...
"An Air Force carry team carries a transfer case containing the remains of Senior Airman Mark Forester Thursday, Sept. 30, 2010 at Dover Air Force Base, Del. during a rainstorm. According to the Department of Defense, Forester, 29, of Tuscaloosa, Ala. , died Sept. 29 in Uruzgan province, Afghanistan" while conducting combat operations in the area."This picture and caption can be found here....