

8:10 AM
In honor of MARK FORESTER Killed in action in Afghanistan Sept,29 2010 ...

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greeen door

8:49 AM
I am in the process of painting my front door green...I am loving it so far. It is Martha Stewart Sea Grass green paint. I have about 2 more coats to go, a kick plate (courtesy of my mom) and a fun Fall wreath and then I am done. (and on to my next project). Below are some other green doors I love....

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new color obsession!

8:10 AM
I have fallen IN LOVE with this color combination. Orange & Turquoise...perfection! I found this via House of Turquoise, one of my most favorite decorating blogs. I think this gal has impeccable taste. Thought of the day, something I have been thinking a lot about. Failure. My husband always tells me this when I get down or feel like we'll never get to...

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more orange and tuquoise...

8:00 AM
above found via Moving Designz. above picture via Confetti Style. ...

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DIY: making a message board from an old clock...

11:33 AM
My writing has gone down the tubes! Is it because I am lucky if I can even post a picture and 1 sentence with 3 little munchkins now? Is it because my vocabulary is stuck in 'speaking with children under 6' mode? Is it because I'm just not feeling like I have a whole lot to say??? Well maybe the first 2 are...

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baby shower

paper flag banner D.I.Y.

3:20 PM
Incredibly easy to make, just takes some time. Get 4 different colored pieces of 12x12 craft paper, you can fit 3 flags on one sheet. My triangles are 6 inches wide, by 7 inches long.(I had some that had patterns on both sides which was nice because it gave me more patterns to work with). Next, take your ribbon and lay it out...

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a project i just finished...

10:20 PM
I know I have been absent the last couple of days. I actually have been working on a project for my sis. She has a blossoming cooking blog and was on the verge of paying a bunch of money for a basic and not-so-great logo from an online store/site. I of course stepped in and thought, "I can do that!!" and for FREE!...

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baby shower

Hilary's Baby Shower

8:08 AM
My sis-in-law, Hilary had a baby shower last weekend. My mother-in-law, other sister-in-law, Ana and I put it on. I was in charge of the decorations so I made a flag banner (below) that said "it's a boy" in the colors of Hilary's Nursery. I also put together these lavender sachets as parting gifts (above).The food was absolutely delicious. My mother-in-law made her...

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Am I really getting...old?

12:50 PM
I was watching a show on TV where a man told a woman that she was attractive "for her age" and the girl was 32...I am 34!? EEK!I don't think 34 is that old, oh well...age happens to the best of us. ;) And like fine cheese or wine (from what I hear) the older and more aged, the better. ...

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projects I'm working on...

9:36 AM
Modern Fall 3-D Wreath:found here at Tatertots & Jello. Major plus: everything you see bellow I bought at the Dollar store! Reversible Superman/Batman cape tutorial: I am making this one for my friend/neighbor's son who is going into surgery at the end of the month.Repurposing an old broken big clock:Projects I want to work on:fun Fall circles found here:and these: ...

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11:22 AM
When I think of cupcakes I think of lots and lots of rich and fluffy buttercream frosting. The cupcakes made with fondant look picture perfect, but to eat I would go for the rich and fluffy stuff. Above is a cupcake from the oh-so popular Sprinkles Bakery in Beverly Hills. Yes, one day I will eat a cupcake from there. My mom has,...

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sunflower wreath tutorial

4:07 PM
Few, I finally made my sunflower wreath. It hangs on our side door and I love it!! I also love how the deep purple goes so well with these dried sunflowers. Here is how to make one for yourself...First, cut the heads off of the stem leaving about an inch of the stem on.remove the petals and leave in the sun to dry...

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d.i.y. baby burp cloths

10:12 AM
If you can sew a relatively straight line, then you can make these! Purchase a roll of ribbon from any craft store, there are lots and lots of cute patterned ribbon. At Hobby Lobby they have ribbon that coordinates with fabric if you wan to make a matching baby blanket and burp cloth.Next, buy a package of cloth baby diapers found at Target,...

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Sunflower wreath

1:19 PM
This is a sunflower wreath I made 2 years ago from my mom's old dried out sunflowers. It's that time of year again! While at my parents this weekend I went out in the garden with my mom and picked a whole bucket full of sunflowers. They are currently drying out in my backyard and I am going to make another one of...

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lavender basket

12:53 PM
For Max's school they asked for donations on items that could be auctioned off next week at Block Walk and I thought, "hmm...my mom has lavender coming out of her ears why not do a lavender basket that goes to a good cause?" My mom and I put together the basket above. It contains all her good stuff Like:2 bundles of lavender, 1...

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picking plums...oh wait, ew, not ripe!

8:50 AM
After spending quite some time picking plums from our plum trees and gathering a whole pile full we realized that they were not at all ripe. Quite tart in fact! But it was fun to be outside in our mini forest.We have a mini forest in our front yard with about 4 or 5 Italian plum trees.Henry was not fazed in the least...

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