
Max Mimi & Henry photo

11:12 AM
Here are the kids. The files of the pictures I have are really big or I would post a bunch right now. ;). I am excited to post this one though, I also have this in black & white which I love but I wanted to show all the colors...there are about 50 more and they are all cute...looks like I'm dedicating a...

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the kid's Summer pictures...

3:17 PM
...I am still downloading photos taken by our friend and neighbor John. He did an amazing job and I am thrilled with how they turned out. I will post a bunch of photos this week but until then......here is a little preview. ;)While Steve and I were hanging out before we started dating I found out about his mustache collection...yes, he has a...

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Yay! A new addition to the Bartie family!

9:10 PM
My brother & sister-in-law, Dave & Hilary just found out today they are having a baby boy!!!In lieu of the good news I found the perfect gift for their little cowboy to be, a book called:"The Brave Cowboy"It was originally published in 1959 and maintains it's vintage drawings and their little boy charm. So welcome to the family our new little Bartholomew cowboy.Much...

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Happy Birthday to the "lavender Lady!"

1:09 PM

Fat-quarter question, answered

9:57 AM
Dearest Rozzie-Pooh,You posed the question on my last post, "what else can you do with fat quarters?". Well, you can go HERE and see a darling bag and free pattern made with 3 fat-quarters. I would post a picture but I don't don't want to disrespect her disclaimer of no copying.Last but not least there is a whole online store dedicated to fat-quarters....

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fat-quarter love

3:12 PM
I love fat-quarters. They are, as expected by their name, a quarter yard of fabric. The nice thing is they are usually about $2.50 a piece. So if you see a pretty piece of fabric that you love but have no idea what to do with it, you can just get the quarter and stash it away until the day you get some...

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last minute handmade headband...

10:39 AM
The kids took pictures yesterday. A friend of ours up the street is a photographer and he said he'd take their pics in front of this amazing barn here just down from Main Street. So I dressed the kiddos in their picture taking garb- NOT perfectly coordinated of course...because now I know that having your kids be matchy-matchy is soooo Passé .Anyhow, Mimi...

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Dr. Suess Wisdom

10:12 AM
"Thank goodness for all the things you are not!Thank goodness you're not something someone forgot,"The kids have me read to them the book, "Did I ever tell you how lucky you are?" by Dr. Suess every night and I just love that line on the second to the last page of the book. ...

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cake pops

8:28 AM
On my sister Rozzie's blog she talked about "baking pretty" and blogged about cute cupcake holders that she found on Bakerella. So I thought I would take a look at the site and found on the very first page these darling cupcake pops....How in the world does she make these? They look so yummy and darling. Mimi's b-day is only about 2 1/2...

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if Henry were Henrietta...

12:16 AM
...we'd be broke. These baby girl outfits are from Gymboree. I received a coupon in the mail for 30% off my entire purchase which peaked my interest, because that can save beaucoup bucks (especially if used on sale items).While online window shopping I came across these baby girl clothing lines.......I am so happy Henry is NOT a girl, he is helping me resist...

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Mother's Day

12:50 PM
For Mother's Day Steve and the kids came home Saturday morning from running errands bearing gifts...I loved it all, and the peach Daisy's are just beutiful. The most fun gift was this box of 12 assorted Dough Girl cookies, each cookie is named after a Calendar Girl and you can find the names and descriptions here. We sat and sampled each one, wow!...

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not too Shabby...that pun was painful to type

10:19 PM
I love Shabby Apple dresses. I have admired them for about 3 years now. In fact, for Rozzie's wedding I got a dress for Mimi to wear from the Shabby Apple Girls line, the dress is called 'Botanical' and you can find it here. But they are not made for post baby bodies...which, I love as well. Because it gives me the kick...

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Mothers Day

4:59 PM
About a month ago I was in Costco getting some medicine for one of my sick kids (I think it was for Max's strep). Anyhow I was standing in line while Henry was behind me in his stroller. He was beginning to get fussy and it was taking forever. As I was talking to the pharmacist I noticed that Henry stopped fussing. I...

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sunroom 1 hour makeover

11:03 AM
We have been so sick these last few days, some strange mutant stomache virus has got ahold of us. But I wanted to post these pictures I took last weekend. These are of my sunroom. With a fast and curious little 9 month old, a "helpful" toddler and active kindergartner and only 2 arms this is the best I could do for now....

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