
bye-bye laptop

6:32 PM
My ancient mac laptop finally pooped out on me. :( So now all I have is my husbands laptop for a couple of hours. All my pics and stuff were on that computer, but hopefully we'll get a new one soon and I can transfer all that stuff over from our hard drive (I am hoping I don't loose any pictures!). Anyhow, the...

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okay, now you can laugh!...

11:19 AM
...not at Steve, but at how young and cute he looks. :) Yes, isn't he sexy in his letterman's jacket? ha! He was captain of his football team and was voted Allstate for football...something...I forget. But apparently he was a big deal in his little town of Jerome, Id.#59 BABY! ;) hee-hee (I found these on the same CD as our wedding pics.)...

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