I absolutely love these children's flash cards. If I had any more room to decorate I would use these somewhere in Mimi's room...that's when she has a room of her own. Hmmm...yep, add this to my wish list with the children's bedroom tent I posted last week. :) ...
I finally decided to order baby announcements and not make them by hand like I had with Max and Maddie...mostly because it is the third baby and I do not have time or space to get all creative. I looked and looked, trying to find something unique and my style. I fnally found this adorable store on etsy called Silly Me Design. And...
I don't remember how I came upon this on etsy, but I am glad I did. I just adore this children's bedroom tent made by Mignon...in a perfectly lovely world this would be one of the many magical pieces I would decorate Mimi's room with. :) I don't remember how I came upon this on etsy, but I am glad I did. I...
I am so in love with this room!!! It is so my style! It is the perfect mix of classy & simple with spunky/colorful retro splashes. Caitlin you are brilliant and inspiring. Well done my dear, well done! ...
Here are some pictures Steve took of the old signs going to Logan through the "fruit way" at Fruit Heights. ...
I love the store Sephora, mostly because if I am in one that means I am in a big city, a REAL big city like DC, New York, San Francisco and Paris (Paris is where I bought my first set of make-up from, and was introduced to this wonderful /magical make-up store on the "rue de Passy").When I was an intern in DC...
I was up for 3 hours last night looking at photos people had taken of babies and kids and was determined to take pictures of my own for Henry's announcements. So here are a couple of the photos I took, and I didn't need a professional! Yipee! Now I just need to retouch them in photoshop. Love these little guys. ...
The other night Steve came home from taking the kids grocery shopping at Costco with this huge bouquet of flowers. They are just beautiful, and Steve said that Max and Mimi picked out the color...pink. I love my family! The other night Steve came home from taking the kids grocery shopping at Costco with this huge bouquet of flowers. They are just...
My mom has been watching the kids quite a bit up at her farm in Logan since Henry has arrived. I looked at her blog yesterday and found this awesome picture she took of them after they helped her pick vegetables from her garden. I love that Mimi still has on her favorite color pink and her pricey boutique skirt that grandma bought...
While Rozlynn and Thad were in town they ate the top layer of their wedding cake in lieu of their upcoming one year anniversary. Here are some favorite pictures of mine of this event. I can't believe that within a year Rozlynn set up camp permenantly in Alabama and we added a new person to our family.Congratulations Roz & Thad. We love you...
So I had this adorable image in my head of my kids all cute and smiley (and coordinated). Trust me it looked great when I imagined it....I thought who needs a professional, I can do this...(although I really know it never works, and have admitted so on several occasions). All I can say is I tried and got a big dose of reality!Poor...
Why did we name Henry Kent Bartholomew (H.K.B), henry? Well, Kent is Steve's dad's name and we initially liked the name Henry because it is an old family name. But before he was born I was leaning towards the name Samuel (Sam) and Steve liked the name Oliver (Oli). I figured when we saw him, we'd know. When he came out, I looked...
My sis-in-law, Christie threw me a family BBQ baby shower for Henry. Thad and Rozlynn were in town so it was extra fun. The food was delicious, of course. My parents came down from Logan and my mother-in-law came down from Idaho. Thanks Q & C!!! xoxox ...
I needed a good laugh. Things have gotten way too complicated lately. Ironically enough, it has had nothing to do with baby Henry himself and not getting much sleep. I don't know if anyone else is like this, but sometimes you just need a little silliness and a good hardy laugh to make life not so heavy. :) ...