
12:38 AM
I wanted to dedicate this post to my in-laws, Gamma Kaffy & Gampa Kent.  Thank you - thank you - thank you for watching Max and Madeline this last weekend!  It has almost been a week now and not a day has gone by where Max and Madeline have not talked about one of the many fun things they did and learned while...

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9:29 PM
My friend Quintin, who is a graphic designer sent me a link to this website called design sponge. I checked it out and am addicted. They have a whole section dedicated to d.i.y. (do it yourself) and before & after projects and I am smitten! I want to transform every boring piece of furniture in my house! How many times have I been...

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9:35 AM
It was my mother's birthday this weekend so Steve and I stopped by this absolutely adorable new cupcake shop in Salt Lake called Mini's Cupcakes. I couldn't find any pics of their cupcakes as they are a new business, but I did find some to die for adorable cupcakes on the world wide web. (Don't these pictures just make you want to take...

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I needed a good laugh today...

9:57 AM

7:43 AM
For Christmas my dad got me a Canon EOS D60 camera.  I haven't been able to use it very much because I have been waiting for a wide angle lens.  Well, my dad sold me one of his and now I am ready to take a bazillion pictures this Memorial Day weekend.  I am very excited, especially if I can figure out how...

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home decor

old home vs. new home

1:44 PM
As Steve and I delve into the housing market we are forced to ask ourselves what we really want. Personally I really want to move to DC and Steve wants to move to either Brazil or NY (either of which I am fine with too)....but if life teaches you one thing it is that you don't always get what you want. :) So...

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birthday party

Party Planning

6:53 PM
I am beginning real plans for Mimi's birthday party. It will be a wonderful surprise for those of you can't join (rozzie). :) I am thrilled!!!! I will say it will be hosted by me at my parents Lavender farm...how could it not be fun and have a million and one kodak moments! I got these ideas originally from a friend of mine,...

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3:17 PM
I grew up in an extremely sarcastic family, when I am in public and with friends I find my self having to constantly check my sarcasm level for fear of offending someone or making them wonder who I really am.Anyhow, I was searching the blogging world when I came across this blog called crabmommy. She seems hilarious, here is her "manifesto":CRABMOMMY MANIFESTOOn this...

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what happened?

4:07 PM
As I was sitting on the bathroom floor today in my mens small t-shirt, d.i. skirt and totally crazy uncombed hair and no make up (I had just wiped Mimi's bum) I thought for a second, wasn't I once cute? Didn't I actually take time to do my hair and make-up every single day, not just if I have to go somewhere? Yes,...

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actual professional pictures

8:29 PM
I am not one to take professional pictures often, mostly because I am so particular and think ('think' is the key word here) that I can do just as good of a job.  Well, it's a lot of work and unless you have a nice aunt or grandma standing behind you making the kids look at you and smile at the same time...

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goodbye camera

10:29 PM
We officially lost my handy little Nikon camera this Sunday. :(  I had some pretty darn cute pictures on there too).  Oh well, c'est la vie.  Steve got a warranty for it so I will be calling tomorrow and seeing what I need to do to get a new one.  humph..... We officially lost my handy little Nikon camera this Sunday. :(  I...

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9:46 PM
For mother's day this year I woke up to a delicious French toast breakfast prepared by Steve, Max and Mimi. Max buttered my french toast and Madeline put the snow (powdered sugar) on. Steve then gave me a delightful little box from anthropologie. I opened it up and found these delicate earrings. Mine are actually a little different but they are the closest...

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11:30 AM
My mother kindly offered to watch my children for 3 days as her Mother's Day gift to me,  well if you're a mom you know just how invaluable this is.  I have been painting my porch, moulding, caulking the bathroom tub and just resting whenever it suits me.  Absolute bliss.  Steve and I took advantage of the peace and quite last night and...

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6:59 PM
As I continue to peruse the tiny*prints website, I keep finding the cutest announcements. They are a little pricey but maybe I can start saving now. Ha! They're actually not too bad. As I continue to peruse the tiny*prints website, I keep finding the cutest announcements. They are a little pricey but maybe I can start saving now. Ha! They're actually not too...

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10:57 AM
I was looking for cute address labels and found these at tiny prints.  I think they are adorable. They also have really cute baby announcements, Christmas cards and everyday cards. ...

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4:17 PM
So I don't know if I am nesting or what, but I have this strong desire to redecorate every room in my house. I took my kids to Ikea the other day so they could play and I could window shop. I found this wonderful king duvet set that I love. It actually looks way better in person, the green is just so...

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home decor

a little less random

8:52 AM
A good friend of mine gave me her grandmothers dresser a couple of years ago. I kept waiting to refinish it until I got a yard...well still no yard but I'd really like to make it beautiful again, it is such a lovely piece. I painted it black a while ago as a base coat and then I was going to paint it...

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the stories are true!

11:38 PM
This is my husband's friend from years back named Tim.  I have met him a few times and have heard many stories about him and how funny he is.  Well, I saw this picture today of him and couldn't stop laughing...all I have to say is genius!  After seeing this I decided that my husband must rekindle this friendship because I want to...

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1:16 AM
Today I was wearing what I thought was a cute skirt and top, and it is from the front. But I caught a glimpse of my back side in the mirror today and all I could think of was..."I like big butts and I cannot lie, you otha brothas can't deny, when a girl walks in with an itty-bitty waist and..." No, I...

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