
Brooke & Steve 2002

8:44 AM
This was taken a couple of months before Steve and I were married.  I just found this picture amongst my 50 million other pictures and it reminded me of how long ago this really was.   Quite frankly I don't feel much older but I do feel more calm and a little wiser. :)  Being married to Steve has changed me for the...

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Spring cleaning

10:01 AM
I have been spring cleaning lately and with my energy level get about one room done a day, which isn't too bad.  Granted I don't have a dress, cute apron and a smile on my face (quite the opposite actually) I feel good and my home feels cleaner.  I have taken huge bags full of things to the dumpster and the DI and...

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Steve's 33rd birthday

7:11 PM
For Steve's birthday I made him this "Firsts" scrapbook.  I wanted to make it a lot longer and more elaborate but once again as my usual complaint goes...time, energy and creativity is lacking these days. :)  The pages I did were, first dance, first time as husband and wife.  First apartment, first car, first Christmas, first New Years, first V-day, first baby etc...It...

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2:35 PM
Easter this year was so much fun, we had the great opportunity to be with so many family members on both sides. Rozlynn flew in from Alabama for Easter and Kent, Kathy, Hilary and Dave came to stay with us on Steve's b-day (April 10th). We missed the other family members we didn't have a chance to see and hope to be with...

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Survival of the fittest?

8:59 AM
We decided to go to Wheeler farms for the Easter Egg hunt. We were absolutely amazed at the amount of people there. max waited patiently for 45 minutes outside the 4-7 year old egg hunt area. He had spotted the golden egg and was waiting to go snatch it. Finally his moment came and they yelled GO! Max ran out and just as...

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6:32 PM
Here are my Easter cards I made for the immediate family. There were a couple of more embellishments I added when I sent them out. There is a ribbon wrapped around them with a little Easter tag. I loved the vintage look of some of them. Happy Easter! ...

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Happy Easter!

11:06 PM
From Max & Mimi (...brooke, steve and little bean)So irregardless of how bizarrely tired I am these days, I was bound and determined to take Easter pictures of my kiddos and send out my traditional homemade Easter cards. It was really hard mustering up the energy, creativity and time to do this...but I did! And I feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment with...

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F.H.E Easter egg hunt!

1:54 PM

yipee skipee-it's almost Easter!

12:26 PM
I really want to create this, I love these natural easter egg trees that Martha comes out with every year. Will I have the time and most of all energy to try this? Hmmm...time will tell. I really want to create this, I love these natural easter egg trees that Martha comes out with every year. Will I have the time and most...

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12:24 AM
"Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that they have been robbed.  The fact is that most putts don't drop; most beef is tough; most children just grow up to be people; most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration and most jobs are often dull than otherwise.Life is like...

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birthday present

8:19 AM
This is a picture of the necklace I made for my mother-in-law for her birthday. It took a lot longer than I thought and we left so quickly to go to ID that I never took a picture of the finished product. Next time I go up there I'll take one for posterity sake (?). hee-heeIt is made of sterling silver, pewter, African...

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10:01 AM
So we have had our 10th  cold of the season make it's way through our home.  I am really tired of colds...they are the worst mostly because the snotty yucky stuff seems to linger forever.  We went up to Idaho last weekend and all the cousins had runny noses and coughs and I knew that we would pick it up, and we did....

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Our first home! I'm so excited!

8:38 AM
So Steve and I have worked really hard to buy our first home and here it is...it is 3900 square feet and on a half an acre here in the Avenues. You can't find land like that too often and if you think I'm serious then I GOT YOU! April fools, no Steve and I are not buying this $999,000 home in the...

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