
"bi-polar" weather

9:59 AM


1:06 PM
These are Max & Madeline's only cousins on both sides.  They are so cute and fun and they get along so well together.  The only problem is that their mother (my sister-in-law) is angry at pretty much everyone on my husband's side of the family including my husband (they say their kids are scared of Steve. Yep, don't they look terrified here?).So they...

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Painted Eggs

9:21 AM
When I was about 3 months pregnant with Max (2003) my family went on a 2 week trip around Europe. I was suffering from major morning sickness and don't remember a lot but the one thing I do remember is going to Austria to the town where they make these hand painted eggs. There was shop after shop full of hundreds of intricately...

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Spring cookies

8:18 AM
We were spoiled last week with beautiful Spring weather. It was wonderful, we were outside most of the day just playing. Yesterday the April (well, March) showers came and we were forced to be inside. We decided to make the most of it and make Spring colored cookies! Max and Madeline cut out the cookies and frosted them. Yum...would you like a little...

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8:07 PM
I found this delightful new website called EVERYDAY BEAUTY. I just love the pictures and ideas in here. Do cool flee markets exist here in the Valley or state? I found this delightful new website called EVERYDAY BEAUTY. I just love the pictures and ideas in here. Do cool flee markets exist here in the Valley or state? ...

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vintage flare

7:56 PM
I love vintage broaches, earrings, necklaces and bracelets. They can just add so much to a plain outfit, jacket or headband. I found this picture in everyday beauty. I love vintage broaches, earrings, necklaces and bracelets. They can just add so much to a plain outfit, jacket or headband. I found this picture in everyday beauty. ...

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$2 Easter hat

5:47 PM
This is Mimi's dollar store Easter hat. I got the hat and the flowers separately and then sewed the flower on. It looks really cute with her Shabby Apple Easter Dress. The only problem is if she will actually keep it on for 2 minutes. ...

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11:07 PM
I am 5 months pregnant now and I have one lingering question in the back of my mind,"will I ever sneeze or cough again and not pee my pants a little?" ...

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sleep walking

5:47 PM
Max creeps into our bed each night after he goes to the potty.  Well the other night I was up especially late washing our sheets and getting ready for bed.  Max got up to go to the bathroom and about 20 minutes later I found him asleep on our bed.  I don't even think he realized we were not in bed and that...

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curb appeal

Alabama Mansions

9:21 AM
On our trip to Alabama this last weekend I fell in love with these old mansions. I especially loved this one because underneath the huge porches they have 2 and 3 large fans. So then I decided that when I have my dream home I m going to add these enormous porches to it, paint the ceiling sky blue (very traditional also) and...

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it's a boy!

12:57 PM
We had the ultra sound today and it's a boy!  The baby looks  a lot like Max's ultra sound picture, same nose and chin.  So it looks like he'll be one handsome devil. :) We had the ultra sound today and it's a boy!  The baby looks  a lot like Max's ultra sound picture, same nose and chin.  So it looks like he'll...

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mini-van mamma

8:05 PM
So after test driving a million SUV's ( because I was pretty much dead set about not getting a mini van) we decided we liked the Subaru Tribeca and Chevy Traverse. But not really, because Max is tall, but still only 5 and needs my help buckling himself in. And in order to buckle him in I would have to climb over a...

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